The Masterclasses and Conference programme will be complemented by the opportunity to watch 3 great performances! 

On 1 and 3 October, with the guest performances, Latvia Puppet Theatre will welcome Kaunas State Puppet Theatre (Lithuania) and Grus Grus Theatre (Finland)!

On 2 and 4 OCTOBER, the Latvia Puppet Theatre will premiere a new production THE LEGENDARY PERFORMANCE, dedicated to the personality and creative life of the theatre's legendary director and artistic director Tina Herzberg (1921-2004).


Kaunas State Puppet Theatre (Lithuania)

1 October - 18.30

Latvia Puppet Theatre, Small Hall

45 min
without text

This play is a subtle and inspiring story about friendship and its meaning. One day, a Lion finds an injured Bird in his autumn garden. This Lion is different from other Lions: he is very sensitive and caring, so he accepts Bird to live in his cosy home. Thus begins an unexpected but true and deep friendship between two very different animals. Days pass, Christmas comes and goes, Bird gets better and wants to travel, so inevitably their paths diverge... But true friendship never goes away - a warm feeling always travels together, and a dear friend lives in a special place - in the heart. 

Directed by Kata Csató (Hungary)
Artist - Julia Skuratova
Composer - Rita Mačiliūnaitė 

The visual design of the performance was awarded the GOLDEN STAGE CROSS in the category Best Object and Puppet Theatre Performance.


Grus Grus Theatre (Finland)

3 October - 14.00 and 18.00

Latvia Puppet Theatre, Small Hall

50 min
without text

Invisible Lands was created in spring 2015 in response to events in the outside world, when the Arab Spring was followed by a refugee crisis that saw millions fleeing their bombed homes and lands to Europe. Many of them died on the way, many of them remained refugees without homes and without hope for the future. The play tells their story - it explores the journey, the memory of the journey, it questions the media and our own attitudes towards migrants and the gap that widens when they are 'elsewhere', yet so close. 

How do we bridge the gap between seeing refugees as small figures on a TV screen and the physical and psychological experiences of these refugees? By changing the scale from miniature figures to full-body actors and by using two simultaneous narrative layers - micro and macro - the performers switch between these two perspectives and try to understand: how does it really feel to be a refugee on the move? 

The authors and performers of the show - Sandrin Lindgren and Ishmael Falke - use their bodies as landscapes for miniature figures whose chaotic exile journey is filmed live with mini cameras. The audience follows the family up knee-high mountains in a helicopter the size of a matchbox, travels in a makeshift boat on a sea of stomachs, etc... The story of thousands of displaced people trying to survive and their daily dramas is told in a wordless, childish game.


Latvia Puppet Theatre (Latvia)

2 October, 19.00 - premiere

4 October, 19.00 - anniversary performanc